This phenomenon concerns a spirit which attaches itself to a person. This may be a temporary or permanent occurrence. It differs from possession in that while the person may sense the presence of the entity, he/she is not controlled by the spirit, nor does the person share thoughts with the spirit.
Te: Telepathy
Psychic Ability – also known as Clairsentience or clear sensing; the ability to sense and feel information. Gut instincts, tinglings, rushes, fear, and sympathetic/empathetic pain are experienced through the feelings or thoughts of another human being.
Al: Alien Encounter
This element involves humans which are in direct contact with an alien being. This can occur anytime of day, but many times occurs at night. Accounts about the form of the alien vary widely, but some have observed specific races of aliens. Communication with an alien, when it occurs, is usually telepathic.
Ad: Abduction Phenomenon
The belief of an experiencer that he/she has been physicaly removed from a location by extraterrestrial beings or has experienced an Out of Body Experience related to such entities. This experiencer can be taken from their home, car, or other location while asleep or awake. Often related to Light Phenomenon and Aerial Phenomenon. A secondary type of abduction is attributed to terrestrial origins.
Vs: Visions, Third Eye Phenomenon
Visions or seeing with one’s third eye can be characterized by psychic abilities such as clairvoyance (or clear seeing), which is the ability to receive impressions in a visual manner, whether in pictures, symbols or daydreams. In other words the clairvoyant sees without the use of physical eyes. Remote viewing falls in this category.