The Twin Phenomenon involves telepathic communication and other unusual behavioral coincidences between identical twins. Giving support to a belief that there is a paranormal element to the coincidences is that these sometimes occur when the twins are separated by a great distance or have been raised apart. There seems to be a shared mind link between them; one can experience the pain of the other or know things about the other for which they have no way of discovering through conventional means.
Tu: Tulpa
In the Buddhist tradition a Tulpa is a thought form, an entity created entirely by thought–a mind-made body. In Magick it is referred to as a Servitor, or a being to do the creator’s bidding. One such thought form was created by a group of scientists under controlled laboratory conditions in the 1970s. The entity is said to still exist in an undisclosed warehouse.
To: Thrown Object
Usually occurring in haunted locations, this phenomenon involves a living person being assaulted by an object which is levitated then hurled at them.
Tk: Telekinesis, Psychokinesis
The ability to move objects at a distance by mental power or non physical means. Considered a psychic ability. May be done consciously or unconsciously as reported in poltergeist phenomena.
Sy: Synchronicity, Sychronistic Event
First introduced by Carl Jung who defined synchronicities as coincidental events, with no causal relationship, which seem to be meaningfully related. Thought to be evidence of a higher power leading the observer to some conclusion or result.