Any variance in the natural progression of time including, loss of time (or missing time), the repetition of time (a time slip or time loop), or the reversing of time. May be related to Abduction, Possession, Divergent Reality or Disorientation.
De: Depopulation
Depopulation is the phenomenon whereby a well populated outdoor venue, such as a crowded street, suddenly becomes devoid of people. In some cases this is also accompanied by a lack of audible or visible wildlife as well.
In at least one such occurrence, as reported in the podcast Astonishing Legends, the only beings present were black-eyed children. Also present in this account was time distortion phenomenon.
Te: Telepathy
Psychic Ability – also known as Clairsentience or clear sensing; the ability to sense and feel information. Gut instincts, tinglings, rushes, fear, and sympathetic/empathetic pain are experienced through the feelings or thoughts of another human being.
Al: Alien Encounter
This element involves humans which are in direct contact with an alien being. This can occur anytime of day, but many times occurs at night. Accounts about the form of the alien vary widely, but some have observed specific races of aliens. Communication with an alien, when it occurs, is usually telepathic.
Bd: Battery Drain
The rapid depletion of a battery’s charge, which seems to defy rational explanation. Many have reported fully charged batteries which are drained in a matter of minutes or even seconds. Though some believe spirits may use or convert the depleted energy into other forms of energy or paranormal activity, others believe a connection cannot be definitively established between this and other anomalies.