EMF (electromagnetic field) Phenomenon refers to unexplained, localized spikes or surges in magnetic/electrical fields which can affect compasses, radiometers, or other electronic devices. When experimental controls are used to discount contamination by local devices, EMF surges are believed to be an indicator of spiritual activity.
Do: Unexplained Disorientation
A sudden sense of mental confusion or disorientation in relation to locations with increased paranormal activity. Often precedes or follows an incident of spirit possession or oppression.
Ac: Attachment
This phenomenon concerns a spirit which attaches itself to a person. This may be a temporary or permanent occurrence. It differs from possession in that while the person may sense the presence of the entity, he/she is not controlled by the spirit, nor does the person share thoughts with the spirit.
Ab: Animal Behavior
This element concerns periodic behavioral abnormalities of animals. Examples include dogs that know when their owners are on their way home, animals which behave differently before earthquakes, and pets which can seemingly sense the presence of a spirit.
Aa: Audio Anomaly
Anomalous audio refers to a defect within an audio recording which defies rational explanation. Examples could be missing audio segments, unexplained static, choral voices, hums, buzzes, music, or reversed speech. While electronic voice phenomenon could be considered an audio anomaly, there is an element specifically devoted to EVPs.