Doppelgänger is a German word that means twin, double-goer, or double-walker. Observers report seeing a spectral double of another person. Also known as a fetch in Irish literature and folktales.
Dl: Disembodied Laughter
The sound of human laughter from unidentifiable source.
Cr: Cryptid
A creature/animal as of yet unidentified or unknown to Zoology. Derived from folklore accounts. Evidence points to both existence as a physical creature and an inter-dimensional entity. Examples include Bigfoot, Himalayan Yeti, Sasquatch, The Loch Ness Monster, Jersey Devil, Thunder Birds, Mothman, Wolfman, the Chupacabra, and many others. Nearly every American State has its own account of a local cryptid. Cryptozoology is the study of such creatures.
Ca: Corporeal Anomaly
Unusual physiological abilities such as walking unharmed on a hot bed of coals, or the sudden appearance of stigmata on a person’s body. Also includes afflictions suffered from paranormal encounters such as physical damage to organs. Also includes implant phenomena.
Bb: Black Eyed Being
Originally reported as black-eyed children (children with blackness covering their entire eyes, even the iris), these beings appear randomly at people’s homes, knocking on the door, demanding to be let inside. Many reports describe them as robotic or dressed strangely, exhibiting odd, repetitive behavior. Black-eyed adults have also been seen and photographed.