A visitation by a supernatural being including angels, Jesus, Mother Mary or other religious figures. Examples include the visitation of Our Lady of Lourdes and Moses’ encounter at the burning bush.
Me: Meteorological Anomaly
Unusual weather phenomena such as ball lightning, swirling clouds, or strange cloud shapes which defy conventional explanation. This includes accounts of individuals who claim to have the ability to affect the appearance and disappearance of clouds.
Md: Mysterious (Dis)Appearance
An unexplainable disappearance/appearance of an individual from a public place such as a park. Also includes the appearance/disappearance of objects. Examples include disappearances within the Bermuda Triangle and periodic disappearances within the national park system. May be related to Alien Abduction or a Geographical Anomaly.
Mb: Men In Black
Mysterious strangers, usually but not always dressed in black, who appear and disappear at significant moments in history. In the twentieth century they were mostly observed in association with UFO sitings and the silencing of witnesses to UFOs.
La: Linguistic Anomaly
The phenomenon whereby a person speaks in a language without any prior knowledge of the language structure, vocabulary, or pronunciation. Sometimes occurs during spirit possession.