A knock or bang is a sharp rapping sound emanating from a location within a room. These can be loud or soft and sound as if the origin is far away or close to the listener. Usually no reasonable explanation for the cause can be determined nor can the sound be duplicated using objects in the location. If a knocks are heard in response to a series of questions, this would be considered Audio Interaction.
Fs: Footsteps
The sound of footsteps or footfalls emanating from a location in which no human is present or moving. Can be loud and heavy or light and quiet. May be accompanied by the sounds of creaks in the flooring indicating something is physically walking.
Dv: Distressed Vocalization
A distressed vocalization is a human sounding cry, moan or groan or animal growl. The phenomenon is often associated with haunted locations where tragedies have occurred.
Dl: Disembodied Laughter
The sound of human laughter from unidentifiable source.
Ai: Audio Interaction
This is the phenomenon whereby an observer or observers interact with a spirit in the form of questions which are then subsequently answered with knocks, bangs, disembodied voices, or recorded voices. This type of interaction presumes the presence of an intelligent being which is communicating with the living participant(s). An example of this type of interaction is a séance or an EVP session.