Objects in the sky which look or behave in a way which defies conventional explanation. This element includes, but is not limited to, unusual flying craft, balls of light, and flying creatures. Once widely discounted by mainstream publications, the U.S. government has confirmed the existence of such anomalies as observed through its Advanced Aerospace Threat Evaluation study.
Am: Animal Mutilation
Livestock, such as cattle, which have been discovered with physical injuries, missing organs and/or significant blood loss, the cause of which is inconsistent with attacks by known predators. Cuts, excisions often appear to have been made using a LASER, with precision cuts and cauterized wounds. Victims include horses, pets, and (rarely) humans.
Ad: Abduction Phenomenon
The belief of an experiencer that he/she has been physicaly removed from a location by extraterrestrial beings or has experienced an Out of Body Experience related to such entities. This experiencer can be taken from their home, car, or other location while asleep or awake. Often related to Light Phenomenon and Aerial Phenomenon. A secondary type of abduction is attributed to terrestrial origins.
Vs: Visions, Third Eye Phenomenon
Visions or seeing with one’s third eye can be characterized by psychic abilities such as clairvoyance (or clear seeing), which is the ability to receive impressions in a visual manner, whether in pictures, symbols or daydreams. In other words the clairvoyant sees without the use of physical eyes. Remote viewing falls in this category.
Xe: Xenobiont Anomaly
A known species of animal which appears in an ecosystem or climate of which the creature is not indigenous. An example would be an alligator which is found in a northern, temperate stream.